Hellenic Boston Businesses Unite
Mission Statement
Hellenic Boston Businesses Unite (HBBU) fosters a vibrant network of Greek entepreneurs in Boston, dedicated to uplifting our community through acts of honor and Philotimo. By connecting professionals, we inspire a brighter, more compassionate world, driven by the spirit of selflessness within the Greek Diaspora.
Connect. Empower. Inspire. The HBBU Way.
Our Story
Hellenic Boston Businesses Unite, started with Panayiota’s work as a Parish Council member at The Taxiarchae Church of Watertown, Massachusetts in March 2023. One afternoon, council members received an email asking to help with coffee hour brunch items, as there were no donations that particular Sunday. Panayiota’s fellow Parish Council Members were quick to respond by stating that they themselves would contribute various items for parishioners.
Panayiota had a thought, as she read the compassionate responses of the Council. Why not ask for donations from Greek businesses within the community? Later that day, she reached out to a few Greek business owners explaining the last minute dilemma, while politely asking for their support. Generous donations of “tsourekia" and “spanakopites” were received, and the Parish Council was in turn quite grateful. The Council showed their gratitude by recognizing and marketing these businesses in a tasteful yet subtle way, and also sent a letter of gratitude.
This simple act sparked the idea of bringing Greek business professionals together, to not only connect, but do good for others within the Greek community. The Greek business professionals who assisted the Church were empathetic and respectful. They helped others by doing something honorable, wanting nothing in return. This touched Panayiota, and her work slowly began to form Hellenic Boston Businesses Unite.
As Panayiota spoke with a dear friend about her concept for a nonprofit organization, “Philotimo”, friend of honor, came to mind. This is the highest of Greek virtues, encompassing honor, integrity, duty, pride, and dignity. Panayiota and her beloved son have experienced an array of angels who were true friends of honor, and she genuinely desired to show the same grace to others in need. With God above her, and Panagia by her side, Panayiota set forth on the most blessed journey with a team of truly amazing individuals who share her vision.